Why yes I am a southern girl.
I have a hose pipe not a water hose.
I mash elevator buttons as opposed to pressing them.
Love grits, fried okra, hushpuppies, brunswick stew and cornbread.
Girls carry pocketbooks not purses if you’re from the south.
I don’t get mad when people call us slow because we’re southern. I just giggle and appreciate that we have the upper hand.
Dinner is at lunch time and Supper is in the evening.
I wear house shoes and house coats instead of slippers and a robe.
Love sitting on the front porch
Sweet tea
I use a buggy in Wal-mart, not a shopping cart
I like dressing at Thanksgiving not stuffing
Pralines (and southerners usually taste their first one at Stucky’s)
We never wear white after Labor Day
Always take down your Christmas tree before January 1st because that’s bad luck.
Eat black eyed peas and cornbread on New Year’s Day
As a kid we never did any sort of work related things on Sunday because it was a day of rest.
When I was a kid everything in town closed at noon on Wednesday.